Our Aquifer Preservation Subdistrict supports stewardship of the region's water resources. MCD's water stewardship efforts work to protect and improve the quantity and quality of water for people living and working within the Great Miami River Watershed. Read more details in a recent report.
Water here and across the United States faces multiple threats from a changing climate, polluted runoff from land, and our own personal actions. Encouraging stewardship of our water is critical to protecting health and quality of life.
MCD leads with research and insight, enabling people living and working within the Great Miami River Watershed to make safe, sustainable choices that reduce the impact on our water.
What we do
Trillions of gallons of good quality water
Parts of the U.S. – and many places around the world – are dealing with water shortages. Fortunately, the Dayton region is home to an abundant source of groundwater. The Buried Valley Aquifer stores about 1.5 trillion gallons of water underground. It provides drinking water for more than 2.3 million people.
Thousands of miles of rivers and streams
More than 6,600 miles of rivers and streams flow through the watershed and are enjoyed for fishing and paddling. As river recreation grows, keeping the water clean for users becomes more and more important.
Preservation is key
Plentiful high-quality water is critical to the region’s health and economy. That’s why MCD collaborates with others to preserve this valuable resource.
Hydrologic Monitoring Program
The Miami Conservancy District maintains a Hydrologic Monitoring Program to continually evaluate the flood protection system and provide recorded hydrologic data for public use. These networks include a daily Observer Precipitation network, a Stream-Gaging network, and a Real-Time Data network. Additional data and statistics are also recorded during each high-water event in which the dams store water.
The Observer Precipitation network includes 47 daily observers who record precipitation amounts each morning. Several of these stations have been providing data for 80 years or more. These records are available electronically from 1982 to present on our water data portal.
In cooperative partnerships with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Ohio Emergency Management Agency (OEMA), Miami Conservancy District maintains a network of 22 automated stream gages and 21 additional continuous and non-continuous stream gages in the Great Miami River Watershed. The stream gages provide critical data used for monitoring the performance of the flood protection system, determining the appropriate response by staff during high-water events, forecasting peak river stages on the Great Miami River, bridge construction projects, and a variety of scientific investigations pertaining to local water resources.
Eighteen of the automated stream gages are equipped with tipping bucket rain gages that transmit real time precipitation data. The network utilizes the Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time (ALERT) protocol to transmit river stage, precipitation and battery voltage data. Miami Conservancy District also receives and displays data from an additional 10 precipitation gages that are maintained by OEMA.
All 22 of the automated stream gages are also part of the USGS national real-time stream gaging network, and are equipped for transmitting data by both radio and satellite telemetry. Data for these stations is quality controlled and displayed on the USGS Real-Time Data website.
Stormwater Run-Off
Thoughtful community land use planning and development are critical to protecting water.
MCD assists communities like Springfield, Ohio, in integrating water protection into their land use plans, zoning codes and subdivision regulations. Springfield hosted a Site Planning Roundtable, bringing together key stakeholders that represent local government, development and natural resources. MCD guided the stakeholders through a consensus process with the goal of agreeing on the development rules best suited to balancing water protection and economic development. The updated development rules reduce the amount of impervious cover, increased natural lands set aside for conservation and used pervious areas for more effective stormwater treatment. In addition, the City of Springfield created several wetlands to naturally treat stormwater runoff.
MCD in partnership with local sponsors can provide resources and assist communities during all phases of a Site Planning Roundtable.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Water Stewardship program?
Our water stewardship program is a division of the Miami Conservancy District (MCD). Our role is to help maintain the quantity and quality of our water supply for people living and working within the Great Miami River Watershed region.
What does the Water Stewardship program do?
Program activities include tracking water trends, conducting water studies, facilitating regional partnerships, and managing water protection projects.
Who does the Water Stewardship program serve?
The people, communities, neighborhoods, properties, and businesses affected by the Great Miami River Watershed region in Southwest Ohio.
Is the Water Stewardship program part of the Miami Conservancy District?
Yes. MCD's main mission and responsibility is flood risk reduction. MCD's two other missions are water stewardship and riverfront recreation. The water stewardship program is guided by the Official Plan of the Miami Conservancy District's Aquifer Preservation Subdistrict.
What types of services does the Water Stewardship program deliver?
The water stewardship program's primary activities and services include:
Does the Water Stewardship program hold events within the area?
Yes. We are active in many of the communities we serve. These events and activities include public meetings, free well-testing events, networking, river clean-up days, and groups such as the Great Miami River Watershed Network and Partners for the Environment.
Do you work with others?
Our main service area for programs and activities includes all or parts of the counties of Butler, Clark, Greene, Hamilton Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, and Warren within the Great Miami River Watershed. We work closely with many community leaders, elected officials, and other governmental and private professional organizations whose mission is to also maintain and protect our region's water. Local, state, and national partners,