We protect you and your property from flooding
- The flood protection system has kept the region safe more than 2,100 times since 1922.
- Now more than 100 years old, the dams and levees are aging and need maintenance and updating, just like roads or bridges.
- We calculate flood protection benefits and assessments according to the property values of the properties that flooded in 1913.
We heard your concerns
- Due to a steep rise in 2023 property values some assessment payers were scheduled for increases up to 400%.
- We heard community members say they want a different way of determining the benefits we provide, and how we assess for the benefits.
- We paused the use of updated property values and will kick off an accelerated study to consider different approaches.
What are we doing during the study?
- The assessments for maintenance and capital will continue to be calculated using 2012 property values.
- To care for the flood protection system updated rates will take effect in 2025 and 80% of parcels are projected to pay less than $200 a year for maintenance and capital assessments.
- We remain committed to safeguarding lives and property from flooding.
For more information read about assessments.
Posted on: Jun 18, 2024