Assessment Rates are Increasing in 2025 - Learn About Your Flood Protection Assessment

Mission & Philosophy

Miami Conservancy District (MCD) is a pioneering organization at the forefront of flood protection, water stewardship, and recreation since 1915. Established after the disastrous 1913 flood that caused widespread destruction and loss of life in the Miami Valley region, the organization's founders recognized the urgent need for a coordinated approach to managing the region's water resources and preventing future floods.



Our Vision
Thriving communities, a healthy watershed, and a higher quality of life, sustained by well-managed water resources throughout the Great Miami River Watershed.


Our Mission
Protecting lives, property and economic vitality within the Great Miami River Watershed through an integrated and balanced system that provides unfailing flood protection, preserves water resources, and promotes enjoyment of our waterways.


Our Values 

  • Commitment to the Great Miami Watershed
    We are mindful of our mission.  We realize what we do is crucial to the health of our region, and we are devoted to providing value to the people we serve. 

  • Stewardship of the Public Trust
    We carefully and responsibly manage the resources entrusted to our care. 

  • Honesty and Integrity
    We strive to be recognized as an organization with the highest ethical standards and integrity. 

  • Teamwork and Cooperation
    Teamwork is critical to our success. Trust and mutual respect for each other’s responsibilities, functions, skills, and experience are essential. 

  • Engineering Excellence
    Efficiency and effectiveness in providing flood protection, water and land preservation and recreational opportunities to enhance the region. It requires continuous learning, collaboration, adaptation to a changing world, and actively pursuing emerging technologies to ensure MCD’s systems are resilient and will not fail. 

  • Continuous Improvement
    Exceptional contributions by individuals and teams are critical to our successful performance.  Contributions at all levels will be appreciated and recognized. 

  • Communication
    Open, candid communication flowing in all directions is the norm.  We emphasize listening as a critical component of effective communication. 



Goals for 2023-2028 

Flood Protection

  • Prevent floods to communities along the Stillwater, Mad, and Great Miami rivers and Twin Creek by maintaining, improving, and protecting the system of dams, storage basins, levees, improved channels, and other flood protection assets.
  • Prepare for and improve readiness to respond, as necessary, to potential riverine flooding or other catastrophic events.
  • Enhance community climate resilience by preparing and planning for the possibility of more frequent and intense storms.

Water Stewardship

  • Protect the safety and availability of water throughout the region.
  • Improve water quality (aesthetic, ecological and biological outcomes) of the region’s rivers, streams, and aquifers.
  • Pilot a program to better align MCD land use and management practices with MCD’s Mission.

Recreation and Heritage

  • Develop and maintain river corridor recreation, including bike trails, and activity zones for public use.
  • Promote the Great Miami Riverway as a destination for sustainable economic development and enhanced quality of life.

Be the Best Conservancy District 

  • Position MCD as a regional, trusted leader in the water sector.
  • Attract and retain a talented workforce.
  • Diversify funding sources for MCD.