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MCD Historic Headquarters Building in downtown Dayton, OH. 


PURPOSES (6101.04)

Miami Conservancy District is a political subdivision under state of Ohio law. MCD operates under Ohio Revised Code Chapter 6101. A conservancy district may be formed in any area situated in one or more counties for any of the following purposes:

  1. Preventing floods;
  2. Regulating stream channels by changing, widening, and deepening the stream channels;
  3. Reclaiming or filling wet and overflowed lands;
  4. Providing for irrigation where it may be needed;
  5. Regulating the flow of streams and conserving their waters;
  6. Diverting or in whole or in part eliminating water courses;
  7. Providing a water supply for domestic, industrial, and public use;
  8. Providing for the collection and disposal of sewage and other liquid wastes produced within the district;
  9. Arresting erosion along the Ohio shore line of Lake Erie.

RECREATION (6101.25)

A conservancy district may provide recreational facilities on its lands and may acquire additional lands for these public purposes.

Learn More: History of the Conservancy Act