Surface Water Quality - Nutrients
To increase regional understanding of water quality conditions in surface water and groundwater resources, the Miami Conservancy District has managed a surface water quality monitoring program focused on nutrients in rivers since 2006.
Elevated levels of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) are widespread in the surface water and groundwater of the Great Miami River Watershed. Nutrients enter water from numerous sources including discharges from municipal wastewater treatment plants, runoff from urban and agricultural land, discharges from drainage tiles in agricultural fields, and infiltration into groundwater from failing septic systems.
Nutrient enrichment occurs when excessive amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus are present in the water column of lakes, rivers, and streams. Excess nutrients can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and cause biological impairment.
Bacteria Levels for Safe Recreation
The Miami Conservancy District and the University of Dayton partnered to develop a bacteria application that monitors and predicts river bacteria levels for safe recreation. The predictive application uses recent rainfall and changes in river flow to predict E. coli levels at two locations (Dayton Rowing Club and Huffman Dam). This application can be viewed here and also on the Great Miami Riverway website.
Projects that Improve Rivers and Streams
Lowhead Dam Removals
MCD has removed, or helped remove, lowhead dams that have outlived their usefulness. They were built for recreation, cooling waters, and other industrial uses. They were not built for flood protection. Lowhead dams that were removed: Monument Lowhead Dam in Dayton, Englewood Lowhead Dam in Englewood, Tait Station Lowhead Dam in Dayton.
Watch a time-lapse video of the removal of Tait Station Lowhead Dam in Dayton (turn up the volume!)
Education and Outreach
Boonshoft Museum of Discovery Exhibit
The Miami Conservancy District also helped fund the dismantling and permanent installation of the RiverMobile at the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery. Components of the mobile learning studio are now part of a stationary exhibit that opened February 2023 at the science center and natural history museum in north Dayton.
From 2014 to 2018, the Miami Conservancy District provided a sponsorship to help build and operate the University of Dayton’s RiverMobile, a mobile learning studio. The 53-foot tractor-trailer traveled to schools and communities throughout the Great Miami River Watershed. Four uniquely fabricated classrooms enabled experiential education on our watershed, history, aquifer, rivers, and our global responsibility.
Into The River Storybook Trail
In 2023, Miami Conservancy District installed a Storybook Trail called Into the River featuring 12 kiosks. Thanks to a grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) the new storybook trail was installed along the Great Miami River Recreation Trail in Dayton. The book was written as the 2020 senior project of the University of Dayton’s River Stewards program. The seniors created a book written for third graders, designed to inspire and educate about the importance of the river and the value of water. Creation of the book was partially funded by the Miami Conservancy District.
Each kiosk displays two pages of a children's book that was written and published by students from the University of Dayton's Rivers Institute at the Fitz Center for Leadership and Community. The book, titled Into the River, was also written to increase awareness of the importance of water and takes readers on a colorful journey down the Great Miami River. The book was created with input from local elementary students about their ideas and feelings towards rivers, as well as their original drawings and artwork.
Trout in the Classroom
Miami Conservancy District sponsors several schools to participate in the Trout Unlimited Trout in the Classroom program. Students raise trout from eggs to fingerlings, monitor the tank water quality, and study stream habitat. The program’s goal is to foster a sense of ownership so that students will want to safeguard rivers.
Water Festivals
The Miami Conservancy District is a regular supporter of the Dayton Children’s Water Festival and the Butler County Water Festival. The two festivals together reach more than 2,500 students annually.
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