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MCD dams, levees, and other parts of the flood protection system have worked harder and stored more water in recent decades. This results in stress on the system. More frequent events add pressure on infrastructure that is aging and in need of repair and renewal. Four major factors are identified that could pose risk to ...
Life in early 1900s labor camps was grueling, marked by harsh conditions, makeshift housing, and a rough social landscape. But Arthur Morgan, Chief Engineer of the Miami Conservancy District, envisioned something radically different. While others saw laborers as transient workers, Morgan saw an opportunity to reshape lives and com ...
Map focused on areas near the cities of Franklin and Carlisle, Ohio To understand the flood impacted areas at different river stages along the Great Miami River a new Flood Inundation Map was initiated by the Miami Conservancy District and the Ohio Silver Jackets to help people understand the risk of flooding in the Franklin and Carlisle ...
By Kurt Rinehart, MCD Chief Engineer With the heavy rains of recent hurricanes, especially Hurricane Harvey’s 50 inches, people are wondering how much precipitation can the MCD flood protection system handle? The system is designed for the greatest reasonably expected storm but not the largest scientifically possible storm. In o ...
By Mike Ekberg, MCD manager for water resources monitoring and analysis Did you know MCD tracks precipitation, groundwater levels, and flow in rivers and streams? This information helps MCD and its partner agencies with flood forecasting, groundwater quantity monitoring, and understanding water movement into and out of the Great Miami Ri ...
When you think of flood protection, you likely think of dams and levees. But there’s another element of flood protection that provides many additional benefits – floodplains. Floodplains are a bit like the utility player in baseball – called on to play a number of positions and always getting the job done. Here are sever ...
In our last blog post, "Gauging the Value of Gages," we discussed the importance of stream gages to The Miami Conservancy District’s (MCD) flood protection activities. Now let’s talk about the importance of stream gage information on riverfront development, infrastructure projects, public safety, and water quality. Stream gage ...
For almost 100 years, communities along the Great Miami River have been protected by a system of dams and levees built by MCD. The system is an engineering masterpiece. Since their completion in 1922, the dams and levees have protected riverfront communities from Piqua to Hamilton with a 100 percent success rate! To maintain and properly ...