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Groundwater is a critical resource for drinking water, agriculture, and industry in the Great Miami River Watershed. Since 2014, the Miami Conservancy District has led a comprehensive groundwater monitoring program to better understand the impact of human activities on this vital resource. Our latest study provides a detailed look into t ...
Drought in Ohio: 2024 Overview Southwest Ohio faced severe drought this year, with dry conditions lingering from mid-June through October. As the heat intensified in September, parts of Ohio, especially southeastern Ohio, slipped into extreme drought. For Ohio’s agricultural sector, the timing couldn’t have been worse& ...
By Mike Ekberg and Richard Stuck Most of us know that too much salt is unhealthy for the body, raising blood pressure for example. Well, apparently it can be unhealthy for our water, too. As the saltiness or salinity of groundwater increases above naturally occurring levels, so does its potential to harm aquatic life and to damage drinki ...
By Mike Ekberg, MCD manager for water resources monitoring and analysis Did you know MCD tracks precipitation, groundwater levels, and flow in rivers and streams? This information helps MCD and its partner agencies with flood forecasting, groundwater quantity monitoring, and understanding water movement into and out of the Great Miami Ri ...
By Mike Ekberg, MCD manager for water resources monitoring and analysis You may have heard me say this before—southwest Ohio is water rich. We have abundant, high-quality, water when compared with other parts of our country and the world. Yet, our region is not without challenges in managing water. Here are five water trends that m ...
In our last blog post, "Gauging the Value of Gages," we discussed the importance of stream gages to The Miami Conservancy District’s (MCD) flood protection activities. Now let’s talk about the importance of stream gage information on riverfront development, infrastructure projects, public safety, and water quality. Stream gage ...
For almost 100 years, communities along the Great Miami River have been protected by a system of dams and levees built by MCD. The system is an engineering masterpiece. Since their completion in 1922, the dams and levees have protected riverfront communities from Piqua to Hamilton with a 100 percent success rate! To maintain and properly ...
Water use declined in the Great Miami River Watershedby 50 percent between 2005 and 2013, which mirrors a national trend.* With the dire predictions for water shortages in other parts of the world, this may seem like good news for our region, but there are consequences. Great Miami River Watershed: All of the land in green drains to the ...
Water Levels In The Great Miami River Watershed Stories about droughts, water shortages, and aquifers drying up are in the news with regularity these days, especially in places throughout the western United States. What are the chances that our aquifer could run dry? Are the water levels in the Great Miami River Watershed and its buried v ...
By Mike Ekberg, MCD Water Resources Manager Sampling conducted by the Miami Conservancy District is consistent with a recently-released report by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS Circular 1352, 2014). The study assessed groundwater quality in more than 1,000 wells in aquifers in the northern United States. The study examined ...