Assessment Rates are Increasing in 2025 - Learn About Your Flood Protection Assessment



Troy is located in central Miami County. The main section of the city, including the central business district, is south and west of the Great Miami River. Morgan Ditch enters the river from the west, at the north end of the city. MCD maintains 3.5 miles of levee and 2.2 miles of improved channel in Troy.

1913 Troy Flood Area
1913 Troy Flood Depth
1913 North of Troy Flood Depth



Troy Flood History

"At Troy no levees broke; the water simply rose from the river and covered much of the town with what one observer called ‘a gigantic lake’"

Floodwater could not escape the neighborhood south of downtown due to a railroad embankment that blocked the flow of water. A team of citizens discovered the problem and decided to destroy the embankment and release water.

"Using the slogan “Troy will take care of her own,” a citizens’ relief committee there canvassed the community for subscriptions to a relief fund and soon raised more than $10,000".


Becker, Carl M., and Nolan, Patrick B. Keeping the Promise: A Pictorial History Of The Miami Conservancy District. Landfall Press, 1988.



Troy is a coalition member of the Great Miami Riverway.
 Use our interactive map to discover your next experience in Troy; spend the night in a floating tent, grab a DORA cup and sip while you shop in the famous downtown square, go golfing, or paddle the scenic waters.