Assessment Rates are Increasing in 2025 - Learn About Your Flood Protection Assessment

Appraisal of Benefits

Properties that flooded in the Great Flood of 1913 and now benefit from the Miami Conservancy District’s flood protection system pay an annual flood protection assessment to cover the necessary, ongoing maintenance of the dams, levees, storage basins, and related parts of the flood protection system. This payment is based on the value of the benefit. The benefit is appraised by the Miami Conservancy District Board of Appraisers. 

A readjustment of the appraisal benefit record occurs when the Miami Conservancy District updates the property values used in calculating flood protection benefits, which is then used to calculate flood protection assessments. The Appraisal of Benefits has been readjusted six times since 1922.


Learn more about assessment calculations, rates, and benefits


How often does a readjustment happen?

The property values used in appraising the flood protection benefit can only be updated every 6 years per Ohio Revised Code. It is not a requirement that the Miami Conservancy District readjusts its appraisal of benefits, only that it cannot happen more frequently than every 6 years.

The most recent readjustment was completed in 2012 (also referred to as the 6th Readjustment) for assessments collected annually beginning in 2013. These 2012 property values will continue to be used until another readjustment occurs.

Why is readjustment necessary?

Once a readjustment is performed, those property values are used until the next readjustment occurs, regardless of any positive or negative value changes to the land or property between readjustments. Readjustment ensures that individuals and counties are not paying more than their fair share in the distribution of the cost to maintain the flood protection system.



History of MCD Benefits

Original Appraisal Record

  • Approved in 1917 for collection beginning in 1919
  • Each property was individually appraised to establish value and benefit
  • Municipal Unit Benefit equal to sum of individual benefits within that municipality
  • Piqua's Municipal Unit Benefit equal to one-half the sum of individual benefits within that municipality

First Readjustment of Benefits

  • Approved in 1968 for collection in 1970
  • Individual Benefits adjusted based on current (at that time) property values
  • MCD used county auditor Tax Values (not full appraised values) as basis for benefit computation
  • Unit Benefits to municipalities and counties not adjusted (remained at 1917 values)

Second Readjustment of Benefits

  • Approved in 1980 for collection in 1981
  • Individual Benefits adjusted based on current (at that time) property values
  • Properties owned by federal, state and local governmental entities were exempted from individual assessments
  • MCD adjusted all Unit Benefits by increasing the 1917 Unit Benefits by 13%

Third Readjustment of Benefits

  • Approved in 1986 for collection in 1987
  • Individual Benefits adjusted based on current (at that time) property values
  • A committee of representatives of the affected municipalities and counties plus MCD staff recommended the current Unit Benefit formula:
    • Municipal - 40 percent of the sum of the individual benefits within the municipality
    • County - 40 percent of the sum of the individual benefits within unincorporated areas (townships) within that county; PLUS 15 percent of the sum of the individual benefits within that county

Fourth Readjustment of Benefits

  • Approved in 1996 for collection in 1997
  • Individual Benefits adjusted based on current (1994) property values
  • No change to Unit Benefit formulas

Fifth Readjustment of Benefits

  • Approved in 2004 for collection in 2005
  • Individual Benefits adjusted based on current (2002) property values
  • No change to Unit Benefit formulas

Sixth Readjustment of Benefits

  • Approved in 2012 for collection in 2013
  • Individual Benefits adjusted based on current (2011) property values
  • No change to Unit Benefit formulas

Seventh Readjustment of Benefits

  • Scheduled for 2024. Paused on May 3, 2024 by MCD Board of Directors. Rescinded by the Conservancy Court on May 10, 2024.