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The Board of Directors of The Miami Conservancy District and its Subdistricts will hold a special meeting by teleconference on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, at 1 p.m. for the purpose of discussing a proposal to modify deed restrictions on land located at the confluence of the Mad and Great Miami rivers. Please contact Rhonda Snyder at rsnyder@ ...
The region saw an average of 1.50 inches of precipitation in December―1.56 inches below average for the month. The high station was Franklin (3.08 inches), while the low station was Fort Loramie (0.75 inches). Total 2020 precipitation for the Great Miami River Watershed was 42.56 inches which is 2.26 inches above average.
Whether you’re looking to learn more about the region’s water or searching for specific water information, the answers may be a click away. Miami Conservancy District (MCD) offers easy-to-access fact sheets, videos, live water data, reports and infographics—all about water—on our We have resources for riv ...
The Board of Directors of The Miami Conservancy District and its Subdistricts will hold a work session via teleconference on Friday, Jan. 8, at 10 a.m. Please contact Rhonda Snyder at or 937-223-1278, ext. 3224 by 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 7 for information on how to attend the meeting.
November delivered an average of 3.1 inches of precipitation across the Great Miami River Watershed. That's 0.21 inches below the monthly average. The high station was West Liberty (4.12 inches), while the low station was Middletown (2.42 inches). By the end of November, 41 inches of precipitation had fallen so far this year, which is 3.8 ...
Miami Conservancy District (MCD) is seeking an engineering associate to join our team! RESPONSIBILITIES Designs, manages, and inspects construction of structural and non-structural flood protection and associated recreational projects including, but not limited to: levees, concrete structures, dams, and bikeways. Inspects and analyzes e ...
By Don O’Connor, P.E., chief of construction and planning MCD is committed to keeping the dams and other flood protection structures operating safely and properly for your protection. To that end, we are nearing completion on a $2.61 million project to improve concrete at Lockington Dam. Over the last 13 months, MCD’s contractor has ...
The Board of Directors of The Miami Conservancy District and its Subdistricts will hold its regular meeting via teleconference on Thursday, December 17, at 12:30 p.m. The regular meeting will be preceded by a work session at 10 a.m. Contact Rhonda Snyder at or 927-223-1278, ext. 3224 by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Decembe ...
The Great Miami River Watershed saw an average of 5.02 inches of precipitation in October. That's 2.08 inches above the monthly average. The high station was Collinsville (6.01 inches), and the low station was Pleasant Hill (4.24 inches). As of October 31, the watershed had received 37.95 inches of precipitation, which is 4.02 inches abov ...
The Miami Conservancy District (MCD) is accepting bids for the Dayton Service Facility Renovation project. MCD will receive sealed proposals at its offices, 38 E. Monument Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, 45402 until 1 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 12. The public bid opening will be held at 2 p.m. on Nov. 12 at the Sinclair Conference Center, 444 W. Third ...
Construction on the I-75 bridge over the Great Miami River near Carillon Historical Park has detoured bike trail traffic on to Carillon Boulevard. Users will travel on Carillon Boulevard for about a half mile. The detour is expected to last about a year.
It’s the beginning of November and winter is just around the corner. What kind of a winter can we expect in the Miami Valley this year...(read more)
Time is running out but you can still enrollin the Great Miami Watershed University. And you could wina $100 gift card to your favorite brewery or coffee shop in the process. We've developed the Great Miami U water basics course to raise awareness of theregion's water and to show you how valuable water is to your daily life.In 10 short m ...
September brought an average of 2.35 inches of rain to the Great Miami River Watershed–0.50 inches below the monthly average. The high station was Bellefontaine (5.41 inches), and the low station was Eaton (0.40 inches). As of September 30, the region had received 32.93 inches of precipitation this year–1.94 inches above average for t ...
MCD now has items for sale on Govdeals...(more)
At most universities you pay to learn. At Great Miami U, we’ll pay you (if we pick your name in a drawing of all our graduates). Earning your degree from Great Miami U is free and easy. And better yet, it only takes a few minutes! The Miami Conservancy District (MCD) is launching the Great Miami Watershed University, or Great Miami U, ...
The Records Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, at 10 a.m. at MCD Headquarters, 38 E. Monument Avenue in Dayton.
The Board of Directors of The Miami Conservancy District and its Subdistricts will hold its regular meeting on Oct. 1, at 1 p.m. in the Charity Earley Room at the Sinclair Conference Center, 444 West Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402. The regular meeting will be preceded by a work session at 10:30 a.m. Contact Rhonda Snyder at 937-223-1278, ...
The region saw an average of 3.12 inches of rain in August, just 0.03 inches above the monthly average. So far this year, the area has seen 30.58 inches of precipitation, nearly 2.5 inches above normal.
Sections of the Great Miami River bike trail between Moraine and West Carrollton will be closed nightly beginning Sunday for trail repairs. The Miami Conservancy District is repairing and sealing cracks along the trail from East River Road in Moraine south to Alex Road in West Carrollton. The work is scheduled to begin Sunday evening an ...